Anna Gát: Announcing our Liberties partnership
Literary beacon Liberties Journal and Interintellect are starting a new adventure together: beautiful conversations for discerning readers!
“Accept the truth from whoever utters it.” - Maimonides (the opening quote of every Liberties issue)
I have some very exciting news, you guys: Liberties Journal, quarterly publishers of some of the best literary, artistic, and social commentary in America, and my very own Interintellect are teaming up for an ongoing online/offline series.
Every month, we’ll come together — Liberties authors and readers, and Interintellect attendees and hosts — for a conversation around one important essay in Liberties. We will also hold regular offline gatherings in DC and NYC together (from our end, like most Interintellect offlines, these will be members only).
Liberties is responsible for some of the best reading experiences I’ve had these past years and I’m deeply inspired by what Leon, Celeste, and Bill are doing with this publication. I couldn’t be more thrilled about this partnership!
I hope I’ll see you at many of these important events xx Anna
Here’s what Celeste Marcus, managing editor, wrote about our plans:
I’m excited to announce our partnership with the excellent Interintellect, a company that has reinvented the classical French salon for the 21st century. Each month, Leon or I and one or more of our writers will host a virtual salon to which you are all cordially invited. The structure will be rather like LibertiesTalk, except that the conversations will be held over Zoom, and after about 30 minutes attendees will be able to join the conversation, to ask questions or share their thoughts. Interintellect typically charges fees for salons, but this series will be free for Liberties subscribers. The inaugural episode will be with the formidable Benjamin Moser, Pulitzer Prize winning author of Sontag, about his upcoming book The Upside Down World. It will take place at 2 PM EST, Sunday May 7th. The second will be on June 1st, with the brave James Kirchick about his essay in this issue, “From Queer to Gay to Queer” and about his recent book Secret City. Further information about both events is forthcoming — we hope to see and hear from you then.
We and Interintellect will also be cohosting in-person salons in DC and New York, the first of which will be this summer... Stay tuned.
absolutely loved Celeste’s talk at Thesis. excited for this!