Tocqueville reading group, FREE attendance at all salons, Derek Sivers on Interintellect - and more
Abundance on Interintellect: new year, new platform, new rules. Come for Socrates & stay for computers, explore philosophical utopias & find creative collaboration. You can just do things (for free).
Hey folks,
Lot of exciting things going on at the Interintellect HQ. Sending a little update…
Most importantly, the transition period has started where members can attend ALL events (with available spots of course) FOR FREE. This was long requested and I’m super happy to announce: it has been built and is happening!
What this means: in a few weeks, memberships will change, there will be higher prices and more tiers. During the transition period, you can get the membership at the old price but instead of getting one free ticket per month and otherwise just a discount like in the old days, you can attend ALL paid online events for FREE (and members only things are always free anyway.) This is a temporary thing, and you should make the most out of it:
Some cool things to attend:
I’m very pleased to be hosting my 6 session series where we’re reading Tocqueville’s Democracy in America across 6 months. You can sign up here. Once you have joined the series, don’t forget to say hi in the #tocqueville channel in our community Discord: great discussions, additional readings, etc., in there.
I also recorded a fascinating conversation with my friend Sarah Haider for my podcast The Hope Axis:
Check it out, and let me know what you think…!
For aspiring or returning Interintellect hosts, I’m also hosting a host training tomorrow - with our producer Gina Hafez. Register HERE.
See you at an Interintellect gathering soon.
x Anna